What To Expect
When you come on board as a member of Sea Rescue, you’ll join a group of professionally trained volunteers who are part of a growing, vibrant organisation, who provide vital safety services to the South Australian boating community and who are committed to saving lives at sea.
Sea Rescue Adelaide is an equal opportunity organisation that welcomes both male and female members no matter their race or creed. We have zero tolerance for any form of discrimination against any individual or class of member.
Our members come from all walks of life and there’s a role for almost everyone at our Squadron based at West Beach or one of our Flotillas based at Wirrina, Copper Coast (Wallaroo) or Edithburgh.
If you already have some boating skills we’d love to talk to you. If not, we can teach you everything you’ll need to know with our on-water log book training and nationally recognised seamanship course and our radio operators log book and nationally recognised Marine Radio Certificate of Proficiency [SROCP] course. You will also gain certificates in First Aid and Coastal Navigation.
We are always on the lookout for people from a range of backgrounds who have valuable technical, practical, administrative or life skills, who are able to contribute their knowledge, experience and contacts to the smooth and efficient operation of our organisation.
We look forward to welcoming you aboard!

the member liason team
To help you find your way, the Squadron has a group of members known as the Member Liaison Team. The Member Liaison Team conducts an induction session for new members held every two months at 7.15pm on a Wednesday evening. During this session you will learn about the Squadron, its history and its activities and will be provided with enough information to determine if becoming an active or “Operational” member is for you.
If you do wish to take part as an active or “Operational” member it is the role of the Member Liaison Team to assist you in various ways, but the most relevant to you at this time is to assign you a mentor to assist in answering the questions that you will inevitably have. You will be introduced to your mentor and given their contact details. Your mentor is available whenever you are uncertain about any aspect of the Squadron or your membership.
the other side of the squadron
We have an active Social Director who provides a full and varied range of social activities for members and friends. See the website, read the Searchlight magazine or listen at the General meetings to learn of the coming events. Some of the regular activities are mentioned below.
From 1800 hours on the last Friday of each month a meal is provided in the Anchorage Room. This is aimed at members with their families and friends. The low cost of the meal and the informal nature of the event provide a relaxing end to that week.
Our social Director uses their experience and contacts to secure an excellent range of musicians and entertainers, local and interstate, to perform for us. These events are advertised within the Squadron but are open to anyone. They provide an excellent opportunity for members to bring along a group of friends.
The social calendar would not be complete without these regular events; again they are open to members and friends. They include Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Melbourne Cup, and the Squadron Awards Night in August.

Become a Member
MEMBERSHIP – Single $38.50 / Family $49.50
With over 150 active volunteers, we have served our boating communities with a number of different services
Our Partnerships
Our partners are active contributors to our service and provide the means that allow us to perform at the highest standard. From support in equipment to funds, each member of our partnership community is a valued member of the SA Sea Rescue Squadron.