About Us

Our Patron is Her Excellency the Honorable Frances Adamson, AC, Governor of South Australia.
The Sea Rescue Squadron HQ is located at the end of Barcoo Road West Beach in South Australia. Our Operations Centre adjoins Barcoo Road just before the causeway to the West Beach boat ramp, with views that allow us to monitor craft launching and retrieving at the ramp, and also all the way out to St. Vincent Gulf.
The Squadron has bases (flotillas) in the Adelaide Metro area, Wirrina, Edithburgh and Copper Coast, with Marine radio operation centres that monitor all of the marine radio emergency channels on a 24/7 basis. Sea Rescue Adelaide conducts regular patrols between Grange and Port Willunga every weekend and public holiday weather permitting.
Boats are stationed at our Headquarters at West Beach and at our boat shed at Lonsdale and while on the water are in constant contact via radio with our operations centre at West Beach.
We use the on water time to practice seamanship skills including boat handling & navigation. Our country Flotilla’s at Wirrina, Edithburgh and Wallaroo also conduct regular training and on-water patrols.
In the event of an incident, the patrol boat is dispatched to the distressed vessel where appropriate action is taken to ensure the safety of the vessel and the people on board. Where appropriate, the boat is towed to safe harbour.
In addition to providing an on-water rescue capability, The Squadron operates coastal listening stations around the State that provide a listening watch over marine radio frequencies, particularly the VHF network.

Mobile Command Vehicle
The Sea Rescue Squadron also operates a “Command Centre” vehicle that allows us to move our operations anywhere in the state and to position it where it’s needed. The command vehicle is equipped with a complete complement of radios and other equipment necessary to provide a mobile operations centre.
Volunteer Marine Rescue (VMR)
The SA Sea Rescue Squadron is one of six independently incorporated Associations, in addition to the marine units of the State Emergency Service (SES) that are strategically located throughout the State. The majority of SAR operations are conducted under the co-ordination of the South Australia Police who are the recognised authority under the National Search and Rescue Plan. In addition to providing a water rescue capability, VMR Associations and the SES operate a number of limited coastal listening stations around the State that provide a listening watch over marine radio frequencies, particularly the VHF network.
With over 150 active volunteers, we have served our boating communities with a number of different services
Our Partnerships
Our partners are active contributors to our service and provide the means that allow us to perform at the highest standard. From support in equipment to funds, each member of our partnership community is a valued member of the SA Sea Rescue Squadron.

Our Volunteer Marine Rescue Group serves the boating public of south australia
There are many opportunities to be involved with the SA Sea Rescue Squadron from volunteering to memberships and donations. We provide a range of courses, training sessions and levels of membership suited for everyone. For more information, get in touch with our team or explore below.