This hovercraft has been used to assist emergency services, Police and otherauthorities in search and rescue operations in areas where conventional craftcannot operate. Night or day the craft can cross varied terrain, mud snow ice andwater.This craft has rescued and saved over forty seven lives over the last 32 years. Areascovered are-Tidal flats in both Gulf areas, Murray River and back waters, and in floodedsuburban streets. Rapidly moving flood waters do not affect the hovercraft as ithovers above the current.The Hovercraft can safely stop on water or on sheltered seas and float like a boat.In-built foam buoyancy makes the craft unsinkable.
Are you a member of a club or group looking for a new place to visit? The Sea Rescue Squadron welcomes visitors to our Operations Base on Barcoo Road West Beach.
You will visit our operations centre and radio base where one of our experienced radio operators will talk to you about the different types of radios that we use and their coverage. Your guide will be happy to answer any questions that you have at this time.
A video about our activities and history will also be shown in the centre. You will also enjoy one of the best sea views in South Australia. Then it’s off to the Headquarters building where, providing there are no functions taking place you will see our function centre and hire venues.
A few steps further on are the boat sheds where we keep two of our six Rescue Boats. Your guide will tell you about the boats and their tow vehicles and you will be permitted to climb aboard to look around. Normally at this time there are many questions from our visitors that your guide will be happy to answer.
The hovercraft has been used to assist-
- SA Sea Rescue Squadron and Aust. Volunteer Coastguard for use in mangroveareas,
- South Australian Police for search and rescues,
- State Emergency Service, for flood rescues
- S.A. Health Commission for checking swamps at Loxton
- Fisheries Department for patrols and surveys
- Defence Dept Pt Wakefield patrols
- CSIRO, EPA and others for geo-survey of lower lakes and Murray systems
The hovercraft has been operating for 32 years in South Australia and has a proven continuous record of reliability and response during this time. This hovercraft would be the longest serving hovercraft rescue unit in Australia.The hovercraft has a Pilot and two crew. It carries an array of communicationequipment and safety gear similar to boats. The craft is fully amphibious and canoperate from flat areas to access shallow seas or flooded areas.
Squadron visits are normally limited to 15 people however if you have a larger group let us know. We will then provide another volunteer guide and split your group so that everyone can enjoy the tour.
The operations centre is upstairs however we provide a chair lift for those that require this service.
Squadron tours are only provided on Weekdays as our boats carry out their on water patrols on the weekends. Tours take approximately 90 minutes and are available from 10 A.M. to 3.30 P.M
As we are next to the sea you can expect high winds and cold weather on some days. If the weather looks a little nasty we advise you to dress accordingly. For those who wish to board the boats the wearing of non-slip shoes is advised.
Squadron tours are a fundraising service provided by Volunteers and we ask that your group offers a donation to the Squadron.
Please note that as an Emergency Service there are times when our radio operators are busy coordinating a rescue. There may also be times when a boat is not available due to an on water rescue. While we try to ensure that you see as much as possible on your tour, we cannot guarantee that a boat is always available and that radio operators are able to spend time with you.
On the other hand you might be lucky enough to see a boat launched or retrieved or hear a call from a boatie asking for help.
Come and visit us – Contact us on 8295-5072 and request a guide to call to arrange your tour or complete the enquiry form below.
Our Other Services
The SA Sea Rescue Squadron provide assistance across South Australia with Flotillas in West Beach, Normanville & Wallaroo. Please support our cause and explore our services below.
Our Partnerships
Our partners are active contributors to our service and provide the means that allow us to perform at the highest standard. From support in equipment to funds, each member of our partnership community is a valued member of the SA Sea Rescue Squadron.
Our Volunteer Marine Rescue Group serves the boating public of south australia
There are many opportunities to be involved with the SA Sea Rescue Squadron from volunteering to memberships and donations. We provide a range of courses, training sessions and levels of membership suited for everyone. For more information, get in touch with our team or explore below.